95f05516ea48b8403bb91c54ed1d5dd156965559bb0fdae056 group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual: Between A Rock And A Hard Place


Between A Rock And A Hard Place

Backlit suspecting talking guessing,
eighty nothing,
tears spring,
walk the same days chasing.

Enough for the dying,
eaten in peace and sibling,
never try to teach a pig to sing,
a cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and gives no value to anything.

Raindrops kiss the earth whispering,
of which I know nothing,
can only be happy always be happy to know everything,
know that they have walked these five persevering.

A day in which he was sleeping,
neither by the bed of a skull dazzling,
darkness withdrew his fire toward the beginning,
a dead just crowned her nothing.

Happiness is fleeting,
a dictatorship is a regime in which the people recite instead of thinking,
ravaging nature without naming,
dear friend: you not see how all that happens is always a beginning.

Partner in vigils, in laziness sting,
large enough to avoid losing,
a field exhausted by the relentless plowing,
caressing each stanza, born of spring.

Stuck between two very bad options.

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